Health & WellbeingQuantum Intellect (QI Mindset) is more than just a habit or a trait to possess. It becomes a way of life. To master it means to be able to live a life that is less stressful. Building your Qi Mindset has numerous benefits, including, increasing your efficiency and productivity, reducing stress, increasing emotional intelligence, and potentially an overall happier life.
Here are some activities to help you to build your Qi Mindset:
- Adult colouring books. Adult colouring books give you the opportunity to move into a ‘flow state’ – a state where you become fully involved in the activity at hand. Spending time colouring helps you achieve ‘flow state’ to zone out and relieve stress.
- Play Sudoku. An excellent game that requires focus and concentration. Research suggests that Sudoku even lessens the possibility of Alzheimer’s disease in older people. Playing this game is a great way for you to exercise your brain.
- Take a walk. This is a great activity to clear your mind. It gives you an opportunity to take a break and enjoy nature. Walking allows you to tune into your surroundings and notice your breathing and heartbeat.
- Try yoga. Yoga is not only great for fitness and physical wellbeing, it also helps you focus on your breathing. It improves your ability to clear your mind and helps to free you from worry. Regular practise will improve your overall wellbeing.
- Keep a journal. Keep a journal and write down what happened in your day. Think about what you are grateful for. Journaling provides you with a great way to reflect on the good things in your life.
- Create a mind map. This is one of the best ways for you to visualise your goals, wants, desires, and how you are going to achieve them. Get creative and have fun.
- Listen to music. Choose to listen to songs that uplift you and provide positive memories. Feel good music!
- Play board games. Sit down with friends or family and play a board game. These games stimulate your brain activity and teach you to think strategically. They also help with your concentration and focus.